Dr. Benjamin Brecht has been appointed topical editor for “Quantum Networks” by Optics Letters. Optics Letters is published by the Optica Publishing Group and covers the latest research in the wide field of (quantum) optics. “I am excited to be chosen as topical editor and I am looking forward to supporting the quantum optics community with this work.” says Dr. Brecht about his appointment.
Dr. Benjamin Brecht is academic senior councillor at…
Our main tool for quantum optics are single photon detectors. We especially use superconducting single-photon detectors since they are one of the best performing detectors on the market. However, these detectors require cryogenic operation temperatures. That means for us that we can only operate a limited number of detectors in a single cryostat. To conduct experiments with more detectors and show more elaborate setups, we require more scalable…
Recently, it has been shown that so-called "superconducting nanowire single photon detectors" (SNSPD) can not only provide information about the presence or absence of photons, but also resolve the number of incident photons in a laser pulse. In this work, Timon Schapeler and Niklas Lamberty from the group Mesoscopic Quantum Optics investigated where this photon-number information is located on the electrical output signal (trace) of the SNSPD…
Horizon Europe is the European Union's framework program for research and innovation in Europe for the period of 2021 – 2027. On March 14, the Ministry of Culture and Science in North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW) organized a half-time event entitled "Horizont Europa.NRW – Erfolge im Blick". The Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS) was also represented at this event, which took place in Düsseldorf: The LINQs project, which is led by Prof. Dr.…
Vom 23. bis 27. Juni 2024 fand in Rotterdam die Optica Quantum 2.0 2024 statt. Die Konferenz bringt Akteur*innen aus Wissenschaft, Industrie und Politik zusammen mit dem Ziel, die Nutzbarkeit von Quantensystemen und somit die Weiterentwicklung von Quantentechnologien und -wissenschaft voranzutreiben.
Auch Wissenschaftler*innen des PhoQS waren auf der "Quantum 2.0" vertreten. So stellten Prof. Dr. Tim Bartley, Dr. Frederik Thiele, Nina Lange und…
At the end of May, 19 professors took part in the ‘Emeriti Meeting’, the reunion of retired UPB professors, to learn about new projects and current topics at the university and to exchange ideas with former colleagues.
After a welcome from Prof Dr Volker Peckhaus, the Presidential Board's representative for alumni affairs, Dr Christof Eigner, Head of Laboratories and Scientific Infrastructure at the Institute of Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS),…
On May 28, a total of 14 ninth and tenth grade students from Hüffertgymnasium Warburg and Gymnasium Marianum Warburg came to Paderborn University to attend a workshop on holography as part of a program to promote gifted students.
In addition to a short lecture on holography and holograms, they also made their own small holograms for their smartphones. Research at the university was also on show: Together with the Institute for Photonic Quantum…
Dr. Benjamin Brecht and Prof. Jan Sperling were invited speakers at the Quantum Information Spring School "Photonic Quantum Technologies" in Les Houches, France. While Jan Sperling introduced the concepts underlying multimode quantum correlations, Benjamin Brecht gave an introduction to the nitty gritty details of parametric down-conversion in the optics lab. Both presentations were well received and sparked numerous inspiring discussions with…
This year's HANNOVER MESSE took place from April 22nd to 26th. Over 130,000 visitors were able to impressively experience how innovative technologies can be used now and in the future in business and society.1
As part of the joint stand "Your Quantum Future", the BMBF initiatives "Quantum Futur Education" and "Quantum Aktiv" were also represented at HANNOVER MESSE – including the PhoQS project HedwiQ. The scientists involved presented the…
Optica Student Chapter opened at Paderborn University
A new Optica Student Chapter recently opened at Paderborn University. With the successful application, undergraduate and graduate students can now assemble in the Chapter for exchange, social gatherings, workshops, invited lectures and other activities. The Chapter’s vision is to form a vibrant exchange among students in optics and photonics across Paderborn University, as well as to increase…
We have demonstrated that a single nonlinear optical waveguide and a spectral pulse shaper can be used to realize frequency-encoded networks with up to 64 inputs and outputs. In our experiment, a bright laser pulse with a shaped complex spectrum is used to realize networks in a so-called quantum pulse gate. The spectrum of the laser pulse defines the structure of the network as well as the output that we look at. By changing the spectrum, we…
Auch im Jahr 2024 hat das Department Physik der Universität Paderborn wieder am Girls'Day mitgemacht und neun interessierten Schülerinnen einen Einblick in die Funktion von Hologrammen, in das Studium und in die Forschung gegeben.
Hologramme kennt man vor allem aus Science Fiction Filmen - im diesjährigen Girls'Day konnten die Teilnehmerinnen aber ein eigenes, kleines Hologramm bauen, das mithilfe eines Handyvideos läuft. Was man in der…
How micro-heaters can be used to specifically improve the efficiency and spectral characteristics of non-linear processes.
Nonlinear frequency conversion, such as second harmonic generation, is widely used in various areas of photonics. Conversion based on χ(2)-nonlinear optical interactions can be very efficient in waveguide structures. In practice, however, the ideal properties are limited due to inhomogeneities along the interaction range,…
The official kick-off meeting of the project HedwiQ – Heranführung der Generation Z an die Denkweise in der Quantenphysik took place on 11 March 2024. After a joint lunch, the project participants exchanged views on the various focal points of the HedwiQ project. On the one hand, there was an information block in which quantum research at Paderborn University and the promotion of young talent and outreach at the Institute for Photonic Quantum…
On the evening of 7 March, the PhoQS institute welcomed 25 members of the Lionsclub Paderborn-Carolus. After a lecture on quantum technologies by Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn, PhoQS members gave insights into current research topics via guided laboratory tours and a poster presentation. All participants were very interested in the research activities of PhoQS.