
Marc Ebert with the teacher and pupils from the intensive course from the Gymnasium Schloß Neuhaus. (Foto: Tobias Blomberg)

BMBF-funded project HedwiQ - Illustration of quantum physics using quantum cryptography and wrapping it in riddles and puzzles

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Symbolic image (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi)
Image (Paderborn University, M. Hammer et al.): In this publication, two different types of TFLN slab waveguides are considered, which differ in their optical properties due to their manufacturing processes ((a) ‘X-cut’ or b) ‘Z-cut’ configuration).

Thin-film-lithium-niobate (TFLN) is a highly relevant material in integrated photonics due to its high efficiency and bandwidth. It offers enormous potential in the miniaturisation of components, making it essential for future quantum technologies. To gain a deeper understanding of the optical properties of thin-film-lithium-niobate, Manfred Hammer et al. have analysed the propagation of light in dielectric slab waveguides made of TFLN, operated…

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Picture (Paderborn University, J. Lammers): Jonas Lammers, Federico Pegoraro and Laura Padberg (from left to right) in Denver, Colorado.

Since 2008, the Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Competition honours young researchers for outstanding presentations during the Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science (FiO+LS) conference. A prize of USD 300 is awarded in each of seven different categories. PhoQS represented at Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science Several researchers from PhoQS took part in this year's FiO+LS, which was held in Denver, Colorado, at the end of October. Federico…

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Picture (Paderborn University, Stefan Schumacher): Maximilian Nürmberger, Jan Wingenbach and Stefan Schumacher (from left to right) spend extended research stays at the University of Arizona.

The Wyant College of Optical Sciences (OSC) at the University of Arizona is one of the most renowned educational and research institutions in the field of optics and photonics. Among other things, it hosts the “Arizona Quantum Initiative”, and the NSF-ERC funded “Center for Quantum Networks”. Stefan Schumacher, research group leader at PhoQS, is adjunct professor of optical sciences at the University of Arizona – currently, he is spending his…

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Photo (Paderborn University, Hennig/Mazhiqi): Scientists at Paderborn University have for the first time used high-performance computing (on the right in the picture the Paderborn supercomputer Noctua) to analyse a quantum photonics experiment on a large scale.

Publication in ‘Quantum Science and Technology’ Scientists at Paderborn University have used high-performance computing (HPC) for the first time to analyse a quantum photonics experiment on a large scale. Specifically, this involved the tomographic reconstruction of experimental data from a quantum detector. This is a device that measures individual photons, i.e. particles of light. Among other things, the researchers developed new HPC software…

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(Paderborn University, Marco Seidel)

Quantum Photonics Spotlight 2024 [QPS2024], organised by the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS) of Paderborn University, took place at the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum from 8 to 10 October 2024. With a total of 65 invited speakers and 84 poster presentations from all over the world, a scientific programme of the highest quality was created. A total of 260 participants spent the three conference days in Paderborn – and are looking…

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Photo (Paderborn University, Martin Ratz): A glimpse of the experimental setup focussing on the area where the squeezed light generation takes place. The photo shows a small number of the optical elements required to construct the full system.

Quantum technologies are changing our lives. Research into the smallest energy particles (known as quanta) puts us tantalisingly close to opportunities that were long considered to be out of reach. New concepts are providing solutions to the key challenges of our time: for complex interactions relating to the next energy revolution, pharmaceutical research, or completely secure communications. They also form the basis for quantum computers, the…

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Photo: Paderborn University, Jennifer Krüger

For the second time, the workshop ‘PHOTONICS FUTURE. Profound | Equal | Inclusive’ took place in Bad Driburg, organised by TRR 142 and the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS). It was an inspiring event that took an in-depth look at current developments in photonics as well as topics such as diversity and equal opportunities. The event was characterised by specialist presentations and stimulating discussions led exclusively by female…

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Picture (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Dr. Benjamin Brecht is excited to be chosen as topical editor for Optics Letters.

Dr. Benjamin Brecht has been appointed topical editor for “Quantum Networks” by Optics Letters. Optics Letters is published by the Optica Publishing Group and covers the latest research in the wide field of (quantum) optics. “I am excited to be chosen as topical editor and I am looking forward to supporting the quantum optics community with this work.” says Dr. Brecht about his appointment.  Dr. Benjamin Brecht is academic senior councillor at…

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Image (Paderborn University, Frederik Thiele): Insight into the set-up of the latest publication.

Our main tool for quantum optics are single photon detectors. We especially use superconducting single-photon detectors since they are one of the best performing detectors on the market. However, these detectors require cryogenic operation temperatures. That means for us that we can only operate a limited number of detectors in a single cryostat. To conduct experiments with more detectors and show more elaborate setups, we require more scalable…

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Image (Paderborn University, T. Schapeler und N. Lamberty): In this two-dimensional histogram, the elliptical clusters correspond to different photon-number events registered by the SNSPD. This is a result from the principal component analysis (PCA), which was applied in this work.

Recently, it has been shown that so-called "superconducting nanowire single photon detectors" (SNSPD) can not only provide information about the presence or absence of photons, but also resolve the number of incident photons in a laser pulse. In this work, Timon Schapeler and Niklas Lamberty from the group Mesoscopic Quantum Optics investigated where this photon-number information is located on the electrical output signal (trace) of the SNSPD…

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