PhoQS Infrastructure

The Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS) provides a cross-institutional infrastructure. Central technical equipment and methods for modelling, optimisation and software development are maintained by PhoQS staff members who are assigned to so-called infrastructure teams. Learn more about the PhoQS infrastructure here.


In­fra­struc­ture Teams

The Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS) at Paderborn University is establishing cross-institutional infrastructure teams (ISTs). The infrastructure teams take on basic tasks that lay the foundations for research at PhoQS.

The employees of the infrastructure teams are PhoQS members and are organised operationally by the infrastructure manager. In accordance with their professional affiliation, each infrastructure team is organisationally assigned to a working group leader from the PhoQS board.

The infrastructure teams take on tasks for all PhoQS members to support them in projects, especially in the training of doctoral students and postdocs, and to transfer expertise across the groups.

Workshops are the sole responsibility of the infrastructure manager.


Re­spons­ib­il­it­ies and Con­tacts

The following list shows the tasks of the infrastructure teams.

Infrastructure Team Task Responsible PhoQS board member
Infrastructure Team 1 (IST 1) Technology development and production as well as characterisation of non-linear, electro-optical waveguide chips C. Silberhorn
Infrastructure Team 2 (IST 2) Design and realisation of hybrid systems including low-temperature operation K. Jöns
Infrastructure Team 3 (IST 3) Modelling and numerical optimisation of photonic devices C. Scheytt
Infrastructure Team 4 (IST 4) Theory development, operation of QC platforms including connection to HPC and support for data acquisition and analysis J. Blömer


For general questions, you can contact the infrastructure manager:


In­fra­struc­ture Man­ager

Infrastructure Manager

Dr. Christof Eigner

Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS)
Room ST0.335
Paderborn University
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Equip­ment and Meth­ods

The interdisciplinary research work at PhoQS is characterised by state-of-the-art methods, both in the fabrication and realisation of hardware and in system modelling and software development. Centrally managed equipment and methods are maintained by the infrastructure teams and are accessible to all PhoQS members.


Clean­room equip­ment for fab­ric­a­tion and char­ac­ter­isa­tion

The PhoQS infrastructure provides state-of-the-art technology in micro- and nanofabrication as well as in the integration of quantum photonic devices, also in cryogenic environments.

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Equip­ment in op­tics labor­at­or­ies for ap­plic­a­tion and ana­lys­is

The validation and continuous optimisation of quantum photonic devices requires cutting-edge analytical methods, both of semiconductor structures and cryogenic components.

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Mod­el­ling meth­ods

Modern modelling and simulation methods enable the efficient design and optimisation of complex quantum systems. A special focus is placed on photonic and electronic components.

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Soft­ware de­vel­op­ment meth­ods

An effective combination of quantum and high-performance computing techniques forms the information-theoretical basis for the development of photonic quantum applications.

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Re­search Fa­cil­ity

In the international "Photonic Quantum Systems Laboratory" (PhoQS Lab), scientists from experimental and theoretical physics, electrical engineering, computer science and mathematics will work together in a building with state-of-the-art technological infrastructure to develop new basic research approaches both in technology development for photon-based quantum applications and in the theoretical and experimental conceptualisation of scalable quantum photonics.

A new type of integrative centre of excellence will be created on a total area of 6800 m² (of which around 2300 m² are clean rooms and optics laboratories), which will strategically strengthen top-level research in this field and open up attractive opportunities for knowledge transfer.

The research building provides the necessary infrastructure for this. State-of-the-art micro- and nano-technology processes enable the realisation of miniaturised, integrated optical quantum circuits and quantum devices. Manufacturing and characterisation techniques are being established, further developed and made "quantum-suitable"; high-quality quantum optics laboratories support the exploration of fundamental physical limits of quantum mechanics.

A communication centre promotes interdisciplinary scientific exchange and enables early and efficient dialogue with industry and society.