You are invited to the next Photonics Lecture with Dr Helen Chrzanowski (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin) who will speak about:
Sensing with Undetected Photons in the Mid-Infrared
When: Wednesday, 05 February 2025, 16:00 (s.t.)
Where: Paderborn University, Lecture Hall A1
From 8 to 10 October 2024, the conference Quantum Photonics Spotlight 2024 [QPS2024] will take place in the Congress Centre of the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF).
Quantum Photonics Spotlight 2024 unites international experts from various fields of quantum photonics ranging from fundamental quantum theory to photonic quantum applications. More details about [QPS2024] can be found on our conference website.
The TheoQS autumn school aims to give an overview of current research topics in the theoretical description of quantum systems, with an emphasis on their applications in quantum information or quantum optics. It is aimed at PhD students, master students and young postdocs. The TheoQS autumn school is a satellite event of [QPS2024].
The first Advanced Research on Cryogenic Temperatures Integrated Quantum Electronics (Arctique) Summer School of our newly founded Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS) will be held in Paderborn, 2024, September 2nd until 4th. Please find more details here.
As part of the CQS seminar, Morris Brooks from the University of Zurich will give a lecture with the title "The Fröhlich polaron at strong coupling".
The lecture will be held on 14 May at 1 pm, online only. To receive the Zoom access data, please contact Benjamin Hinrichs.
You are invited to the next Photonics Lecture with Dr. Nicholas Güsken who will speak about:
Towards tunable photon-emitter interfaces for on-chip and free space emission control.
When: Wednesday, 08 May 2024, 13h
Where: Paderborn University, Lecture Hall A1 (onsite only, no ZOOM)
Im Rahmen der diesjährigen Weierstraß-Vorlesung hält Prof. Alessio Figalli von der ETH Zürich einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "Beyond Boundaries: Recent Advances in the Obstacle". Prof. Figalli, Experte auf dem Gebiet der partiellen Differentialgleichungen, ist Träger der Fieldmedaille.
Der Vortrag findet am Freitag, den 26. April 2024, um 16.00 Uhr im Hörsaal O1 statt.
Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung mit Rahmenprogramm finden Sie hier.
You are invited to the next Photonics Lecture, presented by TRR 142 and PhoQS.
Thomas Bracht will speak about: Time-bin entangled photons from semiconductor quantum dots
When: Wednesday, 17 April 2024, 16:15
Where: Paderborn University, Lecture Hall A1
The lecture will be aired on ZOOM. Please contact us for login data.
In the first 2024 Photonics Lecture, presented by TRR 142 and PhoQS, Dr. Andreas Wienke will speak about:
How quantum nanolaminates can revolutionize optical thin film manufacturing
When: Wednesday, 10 January 2024, 16:00h c.t. incl. coffee/tea & muffins
Where: Paderborn University, Lecture Hall A1
Contact: Dr. Christoph Eigner
Two talks in the Complex Quantum Systems seminar will take place on Tuesday, January 9th.
13:00 / D2.314 (hybrid) / Sascha Lill (Milan) / A Perspective on Renormalizing Generalized Spin-Boson Models
18:00 / ZOOM (online) / Yu-Ting Chen (Victoria) / Singularly perturbed differential operators and some stochastic analytic counterparts
For login data please contact Benjamin Hinrichs.
Two talks in the Complex Quantum Systems seminar will take place on Tuesday, January 9th.
13:00 / D2.314 (hybrid) / Sascha Lill (Milan) / A Perspective on Renormalizing Generalized Spin-Boson Models
18:00 / ZOOM (online) / Yu-Ting Chen (Victoria) / Singularly perturbed differential operators and some stochastic analytic counterparts
For login data please contact Benjamin Hinrichs.
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