
Picture (Carolin Harkort, TU Dortmund): Some of the speakers after the session; from left to right: Hendrik Rose, Nikita V. Siverin, Alfread Leitenstorfer, Andreas Knorr, Ilya Akimov, Elaine Li, Stefan Grisard, Torsten Meier, Maria Chekhova, Doris Reiter.

The Focus Session organized by Ilya Akimov (TU Dortmund University) and Torsten Meier (Paderborn University) with invited and submitted presentations attracted great attention.

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Image (© C. Lüders, TU Dortmund): Dephasing of a polariton condensate over the course of a nanosecond. The phase information gets lost, which results in an almost circular shape of its P-distribution.

Quantum technologies provide the amazing perspective to boost progress in communication, quantum computing or cryptography. Their advantage is based on utilizing the laws of quantum mechanics instead of classical physics which open up the possibility to implement highly efficient quantum algorithms, so the quantumness of a system becomes a valuable resource. However, the number of available quantum systems is large and quantifying the actual…

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As part of the project, an online workshop on quantum technologies was held on February 14.

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Symbol image (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi)

With three projects, PhoQS is involved in the Quantum Technologies Flagship. The European Commission recently reported on the first successes of the cooperation initiative.

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© Universität Paderborn

Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe Gründen aus technischen Fakultäten informiert u²t Photonics AG-Gründer Andreas Umbach über seinen Gründungsweg.

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© Sevag Gharibian

Paderborn University's Computer science department is organizing a workshop on quantum technologies for industrial partners.

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Photo (© Prof. Dr. Abdulhakem Elezzabi (University of Alberta)): Prof. Dr. Markus Betz (TU Dortmund, left) and Dr. Michael Schulz (president and founder of Class 5 Photonics, right) congratulate Dr. Hendrik Rose on the Best Student Paper Award.

Congratulations to Dr. Hendrik Rose for receiving the Best Student Paper Award at SPIE Photonics West 2023 for his outstanding research work.

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The Federal President of Germany Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier has appointed Professor Christine Silberhorn, Head of the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems and holder of the Chair of Integrated Quantum Optics at Paderborn University, to the German Science and Humanities Council.

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Image (© T. Hummel): The detected photon count rate in gated mode (data points) is significantly higher than the maximum count rate in continuous mode (dashed line).

In a recent publication, PhoQS researchers demonstrate temporal control of superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) - and achieve detection advantages.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Jennifer Bounoua): Prof Dr Johannes Blömer (left), Vice President for Research and Junior Academics, awarded prizes for excellent dissertations to: (from left to right): Dr Raschid Abedin, Dr Marius Dörner, Dr Philipp Dierks und Dr Hendrik Rose.

Dr Hendrik Rose has been awarded a prize for his outstanding dissertation “Theoretical Analysis of the Interaction between Semiconductor Nanostructures and Quantum Light: From Single Pulses to Four-Wave Mixing“.

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Screenshot (09.11.2022) der Towercam der Universität Paderborn mit Ansicht der Baustelle P10 © Universität Paderborn

Im vergangenen November, etwa ein halbes Jahr nach Spatenstich, war die Bodenplatte des Forschungsbaus fertiggestellt. Hier erfahren Sie, wie viel Material bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt verbaut wurde.

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Anlässlich der diesjährigen Nobelpreisverleihung veranstalteten Wissenschaftler*innen der Universität Paderborn am vergangenen Samstag ein Abendkolloquium. Die Vorlesungsreihe stieß auf großes Interesse.

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© Lingling Huang; Die Physikerin Prof. Dr. Lingling Huang hat den Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel-Forschungspreis der Ale-xander von Humboldt-Stiftung erhalten.

Die Physikerin Prof. Dr. Lingling Huang hat den renommierten Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel-Forschungspreis der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung erhalten. Nominiert wurde sie von dem Paderborner Physiker Prof. Dr. Thomas Zentgraf.

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Foto (Universität Paderborn, Besim Mazhiqi): Die Wissenschaftler*innen des PhoQS entwickeln u. a. höchsteffiziente Detektoren, deren Eigenschaften bei ultrakalten Temperaturen erforscht werden.

Wissenschaftler*innen des PhoQS nehmen den diesjährigen Nobelpreis zum Anlass, die Grundprinzipien der Quantenphysik auf anschauliche Weise zu erklären und darüber hinaus die Relevanz von Quantenforschung aufzuzeigen.

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Lithiumniobat-Wellenleiterprobe mit angeklebten Glasfasern (Detailaufnahme)

As a guest, professor Vivian Kendon gives a talk – everyone interested is kindly invited!

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