„In PhoQS, we work intensively together as colleagues from different disciplines to create something new in the field of quantum photonics and to bring basic research into application.”

Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn,
Spokesperson of the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS)

Latest news


Photon­ic quantum com­puter to be­come real­ity

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One Day at PhoQS | Vis­it of Phys­ics Class from Pel­iz­a­eus-Gym­nas­i­um Pader­born

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Guest Column by Sevag Ghari­bi­an in ACM SIGACT News | "The 7 faces of Quantum NP"

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Mak­ing quantum tech­no­lo­gies tan­gible: New re­search pro­ject of­fers in­ter­act­ive edu­ca­tion­al pro­gramme for Gen­er­a­tion Z

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New Pub­lic­a­tion | On-De­mand In­dis­tin­guish­able and En­tangled Photons Us­ing Tailored Cav­ity Designs

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Quantum and su­per­com­puters in re­search: ex­pert ex­plains the status quo

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New Pub­lic­a­tion | A new ma­ter­i­al plat­form for quantum photon­ics – Hong-Ou-Man­del in­ter­fer­ence in thin-film lith­i­um niobate

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Top­ping-out ce­re­mony for labor­at­ory build­ing with in­ter­na­tion­al ap­peal

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity sci­ent­ists are new acat­ech mem­bers

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Max Planck – Quanten – Tech­no­lo­gie | Fes­t­akt in Bad Driburg voller Er­folg

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Von den Grundla­gen zur Tech­no­lo­gie – von Bad Driburg in die Welt

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New Pub­lic­a­tion | All op­tic­al op­er­a­tion of a su­per­con­duct­ing photon­ic in­ter­face (Op­tics Ex­press)

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New Pub­lic­a­tion | Pro­du­cing Squeezed States from a Length-Sta­bil­ised Wave­guide Res­on­at­or us­ing an In­teg­rated Phase Mod­u­lat­or (Op­tics…

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Quantum Ef­fects 2023 | Er­fol­greich­er Messeau­ftritt des PhoQS

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Bring­ing Phys­ics closer to the people! Pader­born sci­ent­ists present their re­search in a new series of "Sci­ence Talks".

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More news

Our Re­search

Interdisciplinary research at a top level

PhoQS combines the expertise of over 30 scientists, including three ERC grant holders, from four disciplines. The research work of the 13 working groups from the departments of physics, mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering unites excellent basic research with application-oriented research at the highest level.

Research at PhoQS is currently funded nationally and internationally in more than 15 projects.


The PhoQS forms the structural basis for the interdisciplinary research work of more than 100 scientists.

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Re­search Pro­jects

Our active research projects cover diverse application fields of photonic quantum research.

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Re­search Res­ults

Our research results are published in numerous publications.

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Quanten­forschung in Pader­born

Die Erforschung der kleinsten Teilchen des Lichts gehört seit vielen Jahren zu den Forschungsschwerpunkten der Universität Paderborn. Anerkannte Expert*innen betreiben exzellente Grundlagenforschung, um durch konkrete Anwendungen die Zukunft zu gestalten. Damit treiben sie die Quantenforschung in Deutschland und darüber hinaus entscheidend voran.

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Com­plex Quantum Sys­tems Sem­in­ar

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12.06.2023 - 16.06.2023

Präsent­a­tion­en auf der OECS Kon­fer­enz 2023

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Wei­er­straß-Vor­le­sung 2023 | Prof. Hugo Du­minil-Cop­in zu Gast

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07.05.2023 - 12.05.2023

Vorträge auf der CLEO 2023

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NRW Nano Con­fer­ence in Dortmund

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World Quantum Day 2023

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26.03.2023 - 31.03.2023

Fo­cus Ses­sion auf der DPG-Früh­jahr­sta­gung der Sek­tion Konden­sierte Ma­ter­ie 2023

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05.03.2023 - 10.03.2023

Präsent­a­tion­en auf der DPG-Früh­jahr­sta­gung der Sek­tion Atome, Moleküle, Quanten­op­tik und Photonik 2023

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Ver­an­stal­tung­s­reihe: Gründen aus tech­nis­chen Fak­ultäten | An­dreas Um­bach im Dia­log

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14.02.2023 - 14.02.2023

On­line Work­shop on Quantum Tech­no­lo­gies

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28.01.2023 - 02.02.2023

Vorträge auf der SPIE Photon­ics West

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05.01.2023 - 08.01.2023

jD­PG Theo-Work­shop 2023 – Quanten­in­form­a­tion in der Physik

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More events

Our In­sti­tute

Scientific excellence through structural networking

PhoQS serves as a central point for highly innovative interdisciplinary research. In addition to the strategic coordination of research activities, PhoQS provides the necessary infrastructure for interdisciplinary and forward-looking quantum research.

Ex­ec­ut­ive Board

The PhoQS Executive Board bundles central research management, joint strategic planning and the conception of teaching and transfer.

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In close consultation with the Executive Board, the Managing Director and Infrastructure Manager coordinate the activities of PhoQS. The PhoQS SupportCenter supports the members in the implementation and external presentation of research activities as well as in the promotion of interdisciplinarity and young researchers.

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Fundamental to the interdisciplinary research work at PhoQS is a cross-institutional infrastructure. This is maintained by dedicated infrastructure teams.

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Young Tal­ents & Trans­fer

Through target group-oriented programmes, PhoQS not only promotes young scientists, but also creates a dialogue between society and science at an early stage.

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Re­search Groups in PhoQS (al­pha­bet­ic­al or­der)

Codes and Cryptographie (Prof. Dr. Johannes Blömer)

The group deals with questions from cryptography and cluster analysis.

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Computational Optoelectronics and Photonics (Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier)

We are interested in the optical, electronic and quantum optical properties of different material systems, which we analyse using microscopic theory and numerical simulations.

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Hybrid Quantum Photonic Devices (Prof. Dr. Klaus Jöns)

Our Hybrid Quantum Photonic Devices (hqpd) group is engaged in the development of novel devices for photonic quantum technologies, with a particular focus on quantum communication and photonic quantum computing applications.

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Integrated Quantum Optics (Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn)

The group develops and investigates novel optical devices and methods with regard to applications in quantum information processing, quantum communication and for the fundamental understanding of quantum theory.

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Mesoscopic Quantum Optics (Prof. Dr. Tim Bartley)

The mesoscopic quantum optics (MQO) group is trying to expose non-classical phenomena to ever larger energy scales by using light.

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Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter)

The group for optoelectronic materials and devices deals with the production and characterisation of semiconductor structures for optical and electronic applications, e.g. in quantum information technology.

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Quantum Computation (Prof. Dr. Sevag Gharibian)

The research group Quantum Computation deals with algorithms for quantum applications and the complexity of quantum systems.

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System and Circuit Technology (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Scheytt)

Modern nano- and microelectronics enable the combination of complex, digital circuits, analogue circuits and novel components on one chip. We are researching a new generation of extremely energy-efficient intelligent systems.

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Spectral Analysis (Prof. Dr. Tobias Weich)

The group deals with a wide range of analytical problems motivated by spectral geometry, the theory of dynamical systems, mathematical physics or representation theory.

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Theoretical Quantum Science (Prof. Dr. Jan Sperling)

We are a young team of scientists in quantum theory. Our research is driven by the curiosity to explore the colourful diversity and wonderful complexity of quantum physics.

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Theory of Functional Photonic Structures (Prof. Dr. Stefan Schumacher)

Our research covers a range of exciting topics in theoretical condensed matter physics and optics. Areas of particular interest currently include nonlinear polariton physics in semiconductor microcavities, multi-exciton states and multi-photon transitions in semiconductor quantum dots.

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Ultrafast Nanophotonics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Zentgraf)

The Ultrafast Nanophotonics group focuses on research into the optical properties of artificially created material systems.

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Probability Theory (Prof. Dr. Martin Kolb)

Probability theory is a mathematical subfield with rich references to other scientific disciplines within and outside mathematics.

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Se­lec­ted Pro­jects

You can find an overview of all projects at the Institute on our project page.


Job Ad­vert­ise­ments

Our current vacancies in the scientific or non-scientific area can be found in the list of our job advertisements.


Man­age­ment and Con­tacts

Prof. Dr. Christine Sil­ber­horn


Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Chris­toph Scheytt

Deputy Spokesperson

Dr. Christina Alp­mann

Managing Director & Coordinator of PhoQS SupportCenter

Dr. Chris­tof Eign­er

Head of Laboratories and Scientific Infrastructure