The focus session organized by Ilya Akimov (TU Dortmund) and Torsten Meier (Paderborn University) included 5 invited and a number of contributed presentations and received considerable attention. The talks highlighted the valuable information that coherent nonlinear optical spectroscopy, in particular, transient multi-wave mixing provides for basic research and for applications in the areas of photonics, quantum technology, and materials science.
The invited speakers (Prof. Dr. Xiaoqin Elaine Li (University of Texas at Austin); Prof. Dr. Alfred Leitenstorfer (University of Konstanz); Dr. Doris Reiter (TU Dortmund); Prof. Dr. Andreas Knorr (TU Berlin); Prof. Dr. Maria Chekhova (Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light and Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)) introduced the developments in their fields and provided deep insights into recent progress in experiment and in theory. A broad range of experimental techniques and several material systems including quantum dots, transition metal dichalcogenides, perovskites, metasurfaces, and cuprous oxide were covered.