Holo­­graphy and more: War­burg sec­ond­ary schools vis­it Pader­­born Uni­ver­­s­ity

On May 28, a total of 14 ninth and tenth grade students from Hüffertgymnasium Warburg and Gymnasium Marianum Warburg came to Paderborn University to attend a workshop on holography as part of a program to promote gifted students.

In addition to a short lecture on holography and holograms, they also made their own small holograms for their smartphones. Research at the university was also on show: Together with the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS), the physics labs and clean rooms were toured, giving an insight into research and the day-to-day work of physicists.

After a delicious lunch with some students and staff from the Department of Physics in the cafeteria, there was an insight into the structure of a scientific and technical degree course and an overview of other offers for study orientation.

Are you a teacher and would like to visit us? Just get in touch with us!


Picture (Paderborn University, Sascha Hohmann): Students from Hüffertgymnasium Warburg and Gymnasium Marianum Warburg creating "holograms".


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Dr. Sascha Hohmann

Department of Physics

Public Relations & Study Guidance

Write email +49 5251 60-5836