Study pro­grammes with a quantum fo­cus at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Are you interested in quantum science? You've come to the right place!

At Paderborn University, there are various study programmes with a focus on quantum sciences. It doesn't matter whether you choose physics, mathematics or computer science as your core subject – we have the right degree programme for you!

Are you unsure whether you want to study at Paderborn University?

General questions about studying at Paderborn University can be found here.

Study pro­grammes in the vari­ous fields of study

Mas­ter's pro­gramme in Phys­ics | Fo­cus Quantum Photon­ic Tech­no­lo­gies

In the "Quantum Photonic Technologies" specialisation, the Master's degree programme in physics includes a coordinated selection of elective courses that specifically prepare students for the research and development of photonic quantum systems.

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Mas­ter's spe­cial­isa­tion | Math­em­at­ic­al Phys­ics

The Master's programme, which will start in the winter semester 2023/24, is designed to familiarise participants with the mathematical tools used in quantum theory and other modern physical theories.

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Bach­el­or's and Mas­ter's pro­grammes in Tech­no­mathem­at­ics | Elect­ive mod­ules

Dedicated elective modules in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in technomathematics can be used to lay the foundations for a quantum science education at an early stage.

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Mas­ter's pro­gramme in Com­puter Sci­ence | Fo­cus Area Al­gorithm Design

The focus area "Algorithm Design" in the Master's programme in Computer Science includes modules on the design of quantum algorithms in addition to courses on classical algorithm design.

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