Our Young Re­search­ers & Trans­fer

Promotion of young scientists and knowledge transfer for our quantum future

With early support in education, the promotion of young researchers at PhoQS takes place at different levels. Corresponding initiatives do not only take effect during the doctoral phase or in the subsequent post-doc; furthermore, there are already various study programmes with a quantum optics focus in the Bachelor's and Master's programme. With dedicated events and programmes for school children, enthusiasm for quantum sciences is awakened at a young age.

However, PhoQS does not only address education: Through a wide range of events and initiatives, quantum technologies are also made accessible to the interested public and industry.

Fur­ther In­form­a­tion

Young Re­search­ers' Pro­gramme

As part of the PhoQC profiling, the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS) is establishing a young researchers' programme. The PhoQC Young Researchers' Programme was officially launched on 20 April.

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Stud­ies with a Quantum Fo­cus

At Paderborn University, there are several options to choose a study programme with a focus on quantum technologies.

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Pro­grammes for School Pu­pils

With various programmes, PhoQS arouses enthusiasm for quantum science at a young age.

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