Ob­ject­ives of PhoQS - FU­TURE

You as PhD candidate in the interdisciplinary PhoQS - FUTURE Graduate Program work in one of the research fields Physics, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. You are closely supported on your path to your theses. Different courses, workshops and close supervision which complement each other give you the best possible support in your own development from day one.

The Graduate Program is based on three pillars:

1. Empowering excellent PhD candidates: Outstanding achievements by the PhD candidates are well recognized and rewarded.

2. Individual career development: from day one, PhDs are closely supported in their individual development by the dedicated PhoQS - FUTURE coordinator as a central contact person.

3. Support in acquiring academic skills: Tailor-made workshops and courses support the PhDs at all important milestones.

Pro­gramme mod­ules - Pre­lim­in­ary!

The PhoQS - FUTURE Graduate Program is currently in the process of development, which means that only examples of the funding program for excellent early career researchers can be shown here.

The illustration shows an exemplary path through the excellence program PhoQS - FUTURE so that you can get an impression of the advantages you will have from participating and how we want to support you in the best possible way.