„We not only want to offer our PhD students at PhoQS an excellent interdisciplinary research environment, but also support them through the PhoQS - FUTURE graduate program to become innovative young scientists in the still young research field of photonic quantum systems.”

Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn,
Spokesperson of the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems

Ob­ject­ives of PhoQS - FU­TURE

Welcome to the Graduate Program PhoQS - FUTURE of the Institute of Photonic Quantum Systems!

You as a PhD candidate of the interdisciplinary PhoQS - FUTURE Graduate Program would work in one of the research fields Physics, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. You are closely supported on your path to your theses. Different courses, workshops and close supervision which complement each other give you the best possible support in your own development from day one.

The Graduate Program is based on three pillars:

1. Empowering excellent PhD candidates: Outstanding achievements by the PhD candidates are well recognized and rewarded.

2. Individual career development: from day one, PhDs are closely supported in their individual development by the dedicated PhoQS - FUTURE coordinator as a central contact person.

3. Support in acquiring academic skills: Tailor-made workshops and courses support the PhDs at all important milestones.


Do­ing a PhD at the In­sti­tute of Photon­ic Quantum Sys­tems

In­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary re­search en­vir­on­ment

Internationally outstanding researchers work on the development of innovative quantum technologies in an interdisciplinary environment.

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In­fra­struc­ture for re­search

The interdisciplinary research work at PhoQS is characterised by state-of-the-art methods, both in the fabrication and implementation of hardware as well as in system modelling and software development. Centrally managed equipment and methods are maintained by the infrastructure teams and are accessible to all PhoQS members.

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In­di­vidu­al ca­reer de­vel­op­ment

The research work is complemented by an individually tailored counselling and further training program. The PhD students of a cohort will train together for the individual milestones on the way to their thesis. In this way, they acquire the fundamental academic skills step by step with close supervision.

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Quick ac­cess

Va­can­cies for 2025

All PhD positions advertised for the graduate year from 01.09.25 can be found on the homepage.

Notes on the ap­plic­a­tion

On this page you will find all the information you need to apply for a PhD position in the PhoQS - FUTURE Graduate Program.

Gradu­ate Pro­gram - Cur­riculum

The program modules of the PhoQS - FUTURE Graduate Program can be found on the following homepage.

Co­ordin­at­or Gradu­ate Pro­gram PhoQS - FU­TURE

business-card image

Dr. Anna Bauer

Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS)

Graduate Program/Nachwuchsförderung

Write email +49 5251 60-4579